Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What? Two in one day??

I have to do my obligatory weekly update so you will get two entries in one day. Lucky people.

Went in for my weekly appointment. BP looked really good. 114/74. Pulse was a little high, but it always is. So I got the usual treatment, piss in a cup, get weighed (gained a little but still under my goal weight), and then walk in to find a paper gown. Which I ripped within five minutes. Turned out I haven't been contracting enough to even be checked. So half naked for no reason.

Have I mentioned baby stuff is expensive?? Wow. I spent $107 at Target today. Sure $20 was in new white shirts for Sergio, $12 was a nursing bra, and I could have learned how to swaddle a baby instead of buying the swaddler and saved myself another $20, but it was such a cute pattern and it was a 2 pack. I did get everything but the breast pump, and that I am ordering next week. My bag is officially packed and I'm going to load it in the car tomorrow. I am sure I packed too much, but isn't it my prerogative as a first timer?

I think Sergio and I finally have everything worked out. We had a really long discussion, we both yelled and cried and in the end, we got dinner and had a really good night and day today. I surprised him with a PS3 game he wanted. He had been playing the demo and apparently it was some kind of game of the year last year. Hopefully things will stay this good. I have really missed him and our relationship.

So in the words of Peggy Lee- "Cause it's a good day for paying your bills;
And it's a good day for curing your ills, So take a deep breath and throw away your pills; Cause it's a good day from morning' till night"

Annnndddddd here is the countdown for the week...

From and including: Wednesday, April 28, 2010
To and including: Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It is 22 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

Alternative time units

22 days can be converted to one of these units:
  • 1,900,800 seconds
  • 31,680 minutes
  • 528 hours
  • 3 weeks (rounded down)

Monday, April 26, 2010

The "Science" of Baby Names

I stumbled upon this article this morning about the Science of Baby Names. When it came time to name our baby I had one name stuck in my head. I just couldn't get past it. Now it was a compromise between what I really wanted, Lila, and what I ended up with because with the middle name we chose Lila wouldn't work. So at six or seven weeks into this, she was named.

Back to this article... it made an interesting point in the trends of baby naming. When I worked at Kiddie Kandids in Southern California we had at least 4 Aidens a day. We even have an Aiden in the family. So from popular to the odd, I have a niece named Starling. Now in this article they talk about how popular books are creating a trend in baby names. Esme, Bella, Edward. I love the name Esme, but then I am a sucker for old fashioned names. But what bothers me is that women, grown-ass women, are naming their children after characters in a sub-par book series or worse, they have never read the books and are just going off the movies. Now I enjoy Twilight when I am in need of something to wash my brain out with nonsense and fluff, but enough to name my child after whiny Bella, no thank you. I could get into the sick fascination the 30+ crowd has for this series, but I won't. Just baby names. I am sure there are "Truebies" who are naming their kids Bill, Sookie, and Eric. But Twilight names?? Come on people, think about it... "Mommy, how did you chose my name?" and then set them down and let them watch the sparkly emo vamps. I will say one thing in closing the only good thing about naming your kid Esme or Edward is that it is bringing back those old names and giving them new life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rachel and the Septimana Horribilis

This week has been horrible so far, so I am just going to do a baby update and a quick side note.

I have not gained any weight, thank goodness! Had an "exam" (shoot me!) and found out that things are moving along, but not too fast. I am supposed to walk 20 minutes a day to get the kid to get down and stay down. As opposed to getting pissed off when she gets her head thumped and move up and punish me the whole day. I guess I should just be grateful that she is in the right position at least.

Got the new tires on the car, $320 later. Got into it with Sergio earlier this week, hence the Septimana horribilis. I don't know what to do any more. I know this is a tough time for him and things are changing quickly, but SERIOUSLY?! And if I could round all these desperate bitches up in a room and hose them down I would. Women who pursue and pay attention to a married man need to be taken out behind their trailer and smacked a few times. But I'm not going to get into it. :-(

I normally don't pray, but I am PRAYING that next week is better for all of us. If it isn't, it will be taken out behind the trailer too!!

From and including: Wednesday, April 21, 2010
To and including: Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It is 29 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

29 days can be converted to one of these units:
  • 2,505,600 seconds
  • 41,760 minutes
  • 696 hours
  • 4 weeks (rounded down)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Busy Wednesday

Had my second of my weekly visits to the baby doc before I am supposed to pop. Everything looks good, the kid is active, has a strong heart beat and my BP and swelling were all normal. We discussed labor signs and when to go to the hospital. Because I am GBS positive, I have to go in within an hour or so of my water breaking.

Took care of some problems I was having with Wells Fargo. Walked in to close one account, ended up opening another and got half of my overdraft reimbursed. So now I have an account for my automatic drafts, and an account for my debits. I hate how a lot of companies are making it so you have to have a automatic draft every month, my car insurance and Verizon for one! But this will make it so I know what I have in the accounts, bill will be separate from everything else, and no holds will be placed on my pay. Also paid Sergio's last installment of his tickets for College Station. Finally, no more $200/month in payments to the court. Now if we can keep him out of trouble...

My mother's day present came today. Sergio gave me a little bit of shit for ordering it and wearing it before mother's day, but you know what? Bite me! It's pretty and I love it! Wow, Mother's Day... Can you believe that someone is going to let me be responsible for another person?? I feel like we have so much to do in so little time. And the fact that the doctor said that if I went into labor tonight that they wouldn't stop it. Scary.


From and including: Wednesday, April 14, 2010
To and including: Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It is 36 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

Or 1 month, 6 days including the end date

Alternative time units

36 days can be converted to one of these units:
  • 3,110,400 seconds
  • 51,840 minutes
  • 864 hours
  • 5 weeks (rounded down)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Attack of the First Post!!

I have almost abandoned my LJ, and after keeping that since 2003, I think it is time to start new. I am sure this blog will get all fancy once I get the hang of it, but for right now you will have to forgive me.

Here is where we stand right now: Today to May 19th

It is 43 days from the start date to the end date, end date included, 1 month, 13 days including the end date, 6 weeks (rounded down)

Had the last of my bi-monthly OB appointments and now I am at weekly. No longer anemic, gained more weight than I care to admit at this point, and I have perpetually plugged sinuses. Had the baby shower at the end of last month. Received some beautiful handmade blankets and some pretty cute outfits. This kid is going to be the best dressed baby! Really enjoyed having everyone over, first real party I have thrown in years. I learned a lot about what NOT to do at a baby shower, like buy wine and allow people to get fuckered. But all in all, I had fun!

I guess that is all for now, I am going to play with the settings and pretty fonts.