Monday, May 17, 2010

Birth Story

I know I have a lot to catch up on, but while it is fresh in my mind I am going to get this down.

Wednesday (May 12th):
Also known as Jared's Birthday! Went to the doctor for my weekly appointment and check up because I had been a little stressed lately and it was causing some issues. It started out as a routine check up, walked in, pissed in the cup, and then came the blood pressure reading. I was swollen, had high BP and was +1 on the protein in my urine. So I was sent across the street to the hospital for a prelim. diagnosis of mild preeclampsia. Ran home to grab a few things and make sure everything was locked up and cats fed, then I checked myself in. Instead of taken into a little room with a bed, I was in a birthing suite, that was my first hint that this was going to go the way it did. Hours of tests and constant monitoring, I was given the choice, 24hr urine tests, more monitoring, complete bed rest, and the chance of doing all this again next week but with more complications, OR we could induce and get her out before it got any worse. After talking to Sergio, the nurses and my doctor, we decided induction was the safest. Jared and Leah came over and brought me dinner after the office closed and kept us company for a bit. Jared called Godfather dibs if the baby was born before midnight because it was HIS BIRTHDAY, DAMNIT! :-)

Thursday (May 13th):
After a long night of BP monitoring, I was hooked up to the pitocin at 5am. Water was broken by my doc at 8am and the fun started! I asked for the epidural at 9:30 and after that had a great morning and afternoon. Then it got complicated. As I was "transitioning" I got sick and started throwing up, which was dropping the baby's heart rate and upping my BP. I made some progress, was at 9+, her head was engaged, and then I closed back up to an 8 and was having really bad back labor. Around 6pm after no progression, still vomiting, we discussed a c-section. Man, all I had to do was say the c word and they were all agreeing. I guess we were waiting for me to broach the subject. We induced labor to avoid these kind of complications, and I was all for anything to deliver her safely at this point and get this over with. So at 6:37 pm Liliana was born. She scored 9.9 on the APGAR, passed her hearing test, and was very healthy despite the massive cone-head.

Despite the complications, I couldn't have asked for better support and care that I received from the wonderful nurses and Sergio. It made it a much bearable experience and The Med really does have the best staff in the area.

Now I am off to get a nap before she wakes up. I will update on her first couple of days after her appointment on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. First off, Liliana is absolutely adorable :) and that is such a beautiful name.

    Well I am sorry that there were some complications but everything seem to have worked out and it sounds like the staff and Sergio we're awesome.

    I am very happy for you and Sergio. I look forward to hearing more about her and seeing more pictures :)
