Thursday, December 16, 2010

Welcome Back.

Wow. It's been a while. Months of not a lot of good things happening.

Lets start with my job:
I am no longer employed. After months and months of verbal and psychological abuse, I cracked. I spent the whole day crying and asked to go home a half hour early, to which my boss responded to turn in my key and GTFO. Which I did, after telling him to go f*ck himself. I tried to quit twice, and each time he talked me out of it, saying he was trying and sweetening my position. I should have known better. That is what I regret, not leaving earlier.

Lily is doing great. Still not sleeping through the night. She is now 7 months old. Sitting, laughing, standing (with assistance) and getting into trouble. I have never seen a baby try and get into so much stuff. She is a regular at the Sears portrait studio where her Aunt Leah is the manager. There are picture of Lily hanging in the studio and we get pictures at least once a month if not more. (Like 3x this month)

Life is very stressful right now. I have had 6 interviews and have applied at lots of places, but nothing is going on. I had a few offers, but they all seem to die once they ask me what my salary requirements are. I tried beating around the bush by asking what they normally paid for that position but that didn't help. I have hit a new low and it isn't a nice place.


  1. Job hunting is no fun!!! Good luck with that...what you need to do about the salary thing is really figure out how much you want, and let them know. That way you won't end up accepting something less than what you need. Your daughter is adorable! I'm a new follower from Bloggy Moms. Come by my blog sometime at Happy Friday!

  2. Hi! I sat down with my husband and made a spreadsheet of how much we needed to live on and what the bare minimum was that I could take. I ended up losing one offer because they thought they could hire an Manager, call her an assistant and offer $7/hr. I told them I needed 8.50 at the very very least and even then I would need a raise eventually and they withdrew the offer. I was sitting next to a guy at the temp agency last week with a Ph.D. This economy sucks.

  3. It is so hard out there to find a job! I hope it gets better for you hon! My baby girls name is Lily too! New follower!!
