Monday, July 5, 2010

Going Against the Norm

It is amazing how that you set out doing one thing and end up doing another. When I first found out I was pregnant I hit the bookstores and the web. Flooding myself with as much information as I could. In life I try not to make too many plans, just go and adjust as I need to. Well we have done some adjusting lately...

First off, Lily hated the bassinet. She would be perfectly happy sleeping next to us on the couch, or in our arms. At night, I would pull her into the bed to feed her and she would fuss until I fell asleep, securing her position in my arms and in our bed for hours. So finally we gave up and made her a spot in between us. She still wakes up every few hours to sleep, but she isn't as restless and we are getting more quality sleep.

Secondly, we have decided that it is best for our family if Sergio stays home. I am hoping I will have a cleaner house and Lily will be happier. I can't imagine having some stranger enjoy her first smile, her first giggle and all the funny things she does.

Those are the major differences between us and what the books all say, but if it works, then it works and no one can say shit if she is happy and healthy.

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