Monday, April 26, 2010

The "Science" of Baby Names

I stumbled upon this article this morning about the Science of Baby Names. When it came time to name our baby I had one name stuck in my head. I just couldn't get past it. Now it was a compromise between what I really wanted, Lila, and what I ended up with because with the middle name we chose Lila wouldn't work. So at six or seven weeks into this, she was named.

Back to this article... it made an interesting point in the trends of baby naming. When I worked at Kiddie Kandids in Southern California we had at least 4 Aidens a day. We even have an Aiden in the family. So from popular to the odd, I have a niece named Starling. Now in this article they talk about how popular books are creating a trend in baby names. Esme, Bella, Edward. I love the name Esme, but then I am a sucker for old fashioned names. But what bothers me is that women, grown-ass women, are naming their children after characters in a sub-par book series or worse, they have never read the books and are just going off the movies. Now I enjoy Twilight when I am in need of something to wash my brain out with nonsense and fluff, but enough to name my child after whiny Bella, no thank you. I could get into the sick fascination the 30+ crowd has for this series, but I won't. Just baby names. I am sure there are "Truebies" who are naming their kids Bill, Sookie, and Eric. But Twilight names?? Come on people, think about it... "Mommy, how did you chose my name?" and then set them down and let them watch the sparkly emo vamps. I will say one thing in closing the only good thing about naming your kid Esme or Edward is that it is bringing back those old names and giving them new life.

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